Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ms. Dill loves apples!

This last week was my first week back from track break. It always seems like I'm on a track break. I love it! But I also love being in the classroom with my students. It always brings me joy. Last Wednesday was Back To School Night. It was nice to see my students come in and show off their classroom to their parents. One of my students came in and the first thing she said was, "Mom! Ms. Dill loves apples!" It was so cute. I just smiled and said, "Yes. Yes I do!"

This last week, we did a theme of apples. From my room covered in apples and then doing a theme on apples, if my kids didn't know I love apples they now do. At the end of the week, when I was putting up their school work on the bulletin boards, I thought I had to blog about this because I was proud how well my kiddos did this week.

On Friday we labeled the parts of an apple. I just gave my students a blank piece of paper for them to draw an apple and label it. I was proud how they turned out. I can say some of my kindergarteners make good artists.

After knowing all the parts we cut into four different types of apples to taste them. The kids had fun tasting all four apples. The best reaction was to the Granny Smith apple. One students shouted out "Ms. Dill, this is sour!" Their faces were priceless to watch. Then we graphed all the data with what their favorite apple were. Red Delicious was the winner!

With  a theme on apples you need books to read to the students. Here are a few I read this week:

Apples A to Z, by Margaret McNamara

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, by Marjorie Freeman

The Biggest Apple Ever, by Steven Kroll

Ten Apples Up on Top, by Theo. LeSeig

Johnny Appleseed, by Jodie Shepherd

Lastly, for a craft we got to stamp with apples. The kids loved this! I just cut apples in half, put red and green paint on a paper, and then let the kids stamp away. 

Themes truly makes teaching more fun. Every week flows into the next week and we are constantly making connections from pervious weeks. Next week is on Fall. Alright, well if you're a teacher take my ideas and do an apple theme! If not hope you enjoyed the post.